Mind Tools
Pa Sta? Kako izvuci maksimum informacija iz cinjenice?
KAKO? Zapocni sa cinejnicom, I pitaj “Pa Sta?”
PRIMER: Cinjenica: Sinoc je padala kisa. Pa Sta? Zemlja je vlazna. Pa Sta? Pretvorice se u blato. Pa Sta? Ako puno tenkova bude islo istim putem zaglavicemo se. Pa Sta? Treba da pronadjemo alfartirane puteve da bi sto pre napredovali.
So What? Extracting Maximum Information from Facts
HOW? Starting with a fact, ask the question “So what?”
EXAMPLE: It rained heavily last night. So What? The ground will be wet. So what? It will turn ito mud. So What? Vehicles will get stuck. So what? Where possible we should use paved roads.
5 Zasto? – Brzo identifikovanje glavnog problema
KAKO? Kad zelis da resis problem, pocni od ociglednog problema I pitaj se sta je uzrok tj glavni problem, tako sto ces se konstantno pitati zasto, sve dok glavni problem ne postane ocigledan.
PRIMER: Zasto je nas klijent nezadovoljan? Zato sto smo kasnili?
Zasto smo kasnili? Zato sto nam je bilo potrebno vise vremena nego sto smo mislili.
Zasto nam je bilo potrebno vise vremena? Nismo dali dovoljno vremena za svaki korak.
Zasto nismo dali dovoljno vremena za svaki korak? Moramo promeniti nacin planiranja.
5Whys - Quickly Getting to the Root of the Problem
HOW? When looking to solve a problem, start at the end result and work backward, toward the root cause, continually asking why, until the root cause has been discovered.
EXAMPLE: Why is our client unhappy? Because we did not deliver our services on time.
Why were we late? The job took longer than we thought it would.
Why did it take so much longer? Because we underextimated the complexity of it.
Why did we underestimate the complexity of the job? We did not list time for each stage.
Why didn’t we list time of each stage? We clearly need to change our planning procedures.
SWOT Analiza Pronadji nove Mogucnosti. Eleminisi Prepreke
KAKO: Odgovori na sledeca pitanja.
Sposobnosti/Prednosti: unutrasnji
· Kakve prednosti ima tvoja kompanija?
· Sta radite bolje nego bilo ko drugi?
· Kakvim jedinstvenim ili jeftinim izvorima imas pristup?
· Sta drugi vide kao tvoju sposobnost?
· Koji faktori uticu na uspesnu prodaju?
Slabosti/Nedostaci: unutrasnji
· Sta biste mogli da unapredite?
· Sta biste trebali da izbegavate?
· Sta druge vide kao vase mane/nedostatke?
· Koji faktori uticu da izgubite prodaju?
Mogucnosti/Prilike: spoljni
· Koje su dobre prilike za vas?
· Koje promene/trendovi ( tehnoloski, zakonski, socijani, promene ziv.stila) ste svesni.
· Kakve su prepreke pred vama?
· Sta rade vasi konkurenti sto vas brine?
· Da li ima promena u ocekivanjima/standardima vasih proizvoda, usluga?
· Da li vam preti razvoj nove tehnologije?
· Da li imate problem sa kesom/zajmom/kreditom?
· Da li postoji nesto (sta?) sto bi ozbiljno moglo da ugrozi vas biznis?
SWOT Analysis Discover New Opportunities. Manage and Eliminate Threats
HOW: Answer the following questions.
Strengths: internal
· What advantages does your company have?
· What do you do better than anyone else?
· What unique or lowest-cost resources do you have access to?
· What do people in your market see as your strengths?
· What factors mean that you "get the sale"?
Weaknesses: internal
· What could you improve?
· What should you avoid?
· What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses?
· What factors lose you sales?
Opportunities: external
· Where are the good opportunities facing you?
· What are the interesting trends/changes (in technology, law, social patterns, lifestyle changes)you are aware of?
Threats: external
· What obstacles do you face?
· What is your competition doing that you should be worried about?
· Are the required specifications for your job, products or services changing?
· Is changing technology threatening your position?
· Do you have bad debt or cash-flow problems?
· Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?
Stize jos! More to Come!
Moj pit ucenja? Neucenje. Ok, ne volis da ucis, ali kad moras koji tip ucenja it je najlaksi?
a) vizuelno – gledao si film I zapamtio si svaki detalj scene!
sto vise grafikona, slika, enciklopedija ili internet prezentacija to bolje.
b) slusanjem- presluskivao si I mozes da ponovis skoro skaku rec?
snimi lekciju pa je preslusaj I prepricaj nekoliko puta.
c) citanjem- lakse zapamtis vic kad ga procitas, nego kad ti ga neko isprica?
citaj lekcije kao novine, nekoliko puta ili dok ne naucis.
d) kroz iskustvo- dok sam ne isprobam igricu, nije mi bas jasna!
Zavri rukave, ili nogavice I vezbaj.