Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje / The Center for Creative Education
  Moj budzet!?

Moj Budzet!?

Dobra strana budzeta? Netera te da potrosis manje. Tera te da potrosis manje na stvari na koje mrzis da trosis pare, tako da imas vise para da potrosis na ono sto zelis.

Kako da napravis budgzet?

ü  Napravi mesecni budzet

Zasto? Zato sto su troskovi (ako ne I primanja) razlicita svakog meseca. Zasto? Zato sto netrosis istu kolicinu novca kad sedis u gradu, kad ides na odmor, kad si pozvan na hiljadu zurki. Zar ne? Ali osnovni racuni su manje vise isti svaki mesec, znas sta da ocekujes, tako da njih odma oduzmi od ukupnog budzeta.


ü  Stavi sve na papir

Vecina nas misli da mozemo da ga zapamtimo, ali poenta je da sebi das predstavu cilja koji zelis da postignes. Takodje, vecina nas se iznenadi nasta je potrosila pare, kad na kraju meseca pogledamo listu na sta smo trosili. (naravno ako napravis listu)


ü  Isprobaj sistem koverti

Mozda ti pomogne da pare koje si namenio za neku od kategorija (   ) stavis u kovertu, I kad god kupujes nesto iz te kategorije sluzis se parama iz te kategorije. Tako da ako vec 10tog potrosis sve pare za izlaske, ili ces sedeti kuci, neces si kupiti novu krpicu ili ces jesti spagete do kraja meseca.


Pa neka vam je sa SRECOM!


Kako vi izlazite na kraj? Kako menadzujete svoju lovu?



Here is one wonderful thing about the budget. It does not have to make us spend less. It allows us to spend less on things we hate spending money on and frees our money for spending on what we really want.

How do you make a budget?

ü  Make a monthly budget

Why? Because, each month is different. How? You don’t spend the same amount of money when you stay in town, go on vacation, have number of celebrations/parties to go to. Right? But the basic expenses more likely are the same every month, you’ll know what to expect, so deduct them from your total budget first. 


ü  Write it down

A lot of us like to think we have our budget in our head. It’s stuck up there, and we can remember it perfectly. Part of the reason you’re doing this is to create a visual goal for yourself. Another thing you might want to write down is what you spent your money on. At the end of the month you would be amazed on what you spend the most.


ü  Use the envelope system

The envelope system is a process in which you pay for as much stuff as possible in cash. Here’s how it works. The first thing you do is determine the common expenses that you can pay for in cash. These are categories such as groceries, gas, entertainment, clothing, eating-out, etc. Once you have set up your budget, and you know what the amounts are for each of these categories, go through and withdraw the budgeted amount in cash from your checking account and stick each amount in its own envelope. This is a way to force yourself to budget.


Good Luck!


Let us know how you manage your money!


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