Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje / The Center for Creative Education



You are either motivated or not. Just kidding! Well, it is kindof true. If you are motivated, then you are not ‘not motivated’, and if you are not motivated then you are not ‘motivated’. Are you still following?

But, whether you are motivated or not, you CAN CHOOSE TO BECOME motivated. Consider:

3 basic elements:

1.       Potreba, zelja, vizija, san, da se nesto postigne.Kreativnost pomaze na putu do cilja.

2.       Loving to discover, to risk, to search new opportunities and ways it will not work.

3.       Ability to overcome barriers and recover from ‘failure’ (successfully find way that will not work)

Vision & Lifestyle:

Ø  A desired lifestyle is the result of a vision with a burning desire to reach a goal. Achievement is the result of planned action to bust through barriers to make desired events happen. Success, money and resulting lifestyle are rewards only, not goals.

Ø  Don’t be lazy, do the work and persevere.

7 Rules:

1.       Set goal, but follow a part.

2.       Finish what you start.

3.       Socialize with others that know.

4.       Learn how to learn.

5.       Harmonize natural talent with interest that motivates.

6.       Increase knowledge of subjects that inspires.

7.       Take risk.

Dream, dream, dream:

1.       Find others that will help you realize your dream.

2.       Accept criticism, from those that do not like your dream. That’s helpful too.

3.       Stay away from those that are persistently telling you that you cannot do it.

Skills, Resources, Support:

1.       Skills- knowledge, experience – develop it

2.       Resources- ownership, money, people that know how – search for it

3.       Support- people, organizations, your quit time too- build around yourself


1.       DEFINE

WHAT do you want (to learn)? Be specific. Be brief. Be realistic.



WHY YOU want it (to learn)? What turns you on? Focus on your needs, goals, values, pleasure.

If you know why you want it, you will put more effort in it, be more persistent, search harder for ways to do it.



WHY OTHERS want you to do it (to learn it)? What punishment will you avoid, reward will you get, whom will you please.


4.       MENTOR

YOUR MENTOR should work with and for you. It must be the person you trust, that understands you and your project, encourages you, suggest ways of getting around obstacles, confront you if you are avoiding him/her or the project.

Think HOW, WHEN, HOW OFTEN can mentor be available to you, when you choosing one.



WHAT are the steps?

HOW MUCH time do I need for each step?

WHERE do I find resource information and people?

WHAT do I do if I am not making progress?

HOW will I check my progress?

WHAT are my rewards as I progress?


6.       IF YOU DID NOT SUCCEED, remember YOU DIDN’T FAIL. You were successful in finding a way how not to succeed.

Citati- Dzim Ron

Jim Rohn Quotes

Cilj dobrog liderstva je da pomogne onima kojima lose ide, da im ide bolje, a onima kojima ide dobro, da im ide jos bolje.

A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.


ü  Roman nije nista drugo nego filozofija u slikama.

A novel is never anything, but a philosophy put into images.


ü  Afirmacija bez discipline nije nista drugo nego obmana.

Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.


ü  Inicijativan covek/preduzetnik je onaj koji na gomili otpada metala vidi dinu skulpturu. Inicijativan covek/preduzetnik je onaj koji u ruinama vidi novi gradjevinski poduhvat. Inicijativan covek je onaj koji vidi priliku u svim oblastima zivota.

An enterprising person is one who comes across a pile of scrap metal and sees the making of a wonderful sculpture. An enterprising person is one who drives through an old decrepit part of town and sees a new housing development. An enterprising person is one who sees opportunity in all areas of life.


ü  Pitanja zapocinu process dobijanja. Nemoj da ides do okeana sa kasicicom. Barem uzmi koficu, da ti se deca ne smeju.

Asking is the beginning of receiving. Make sure you don't go to the ocean with a teaspoon. At least take a bucket so the kids won't laugh at you.


ü  Stav je tvoje prihvatanje, ili ne prihvatanje, prirodnih zakona.

"Attitude is your acceptance of the natural laws, or your rejection of the natural laws."


ü  Bolje obecaj manje nego sto mozes da uradis. Pusti da ljudi budu iznenadjeni da si uradio vise nego sto si obecao/la I lakes nego sto si mislila.

Better understated than overstated. Let people be surprised that it was more than you promised and easier than you said.


ü  Karakter nije nesto sa cim si rodjen I nemoze da promenis, kao otiske prstiju. Karakter je nesto s cim nisi rodjen, a imas odgovornost da ga formiras.

Character isn't something you were born with and can't change, like your fingerprints. It's something you weren't born with and must take responsibility for forming.


ü  Disciplina je most izmedju ciljeva I uspeha.

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.


ü  Ne donosi svoje potrebe na market, vec tvoje vestine. Ako se ne osecas dobro, reci svom doktoru, a ne market. Ako ti trebaju pare, idi u banku, a ne na market.

Don't bring your need to the marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank, but not the marketplace.


ü  Ne citaj samo lake stvari. To ce te zabaviti, ali ti nece pomoci da se izgradis.

Don't just read the easy stuff. You may be entertained by it, but you will never grow from it.


ü  Ne zeli da je lakse, vec da si ti bolji/a.

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.


ü  Efikasna komunikacjija je 20% sta znas I 80% kako se osecas povodom onog sto znas.

Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.


ü  Ili ti upravljas danom, ili dan upravlja tobom.

Either you run the day or the day runs you.


ü  Uzivaj u svemu sto imas, dok postizes sve sto zelis.

"Enjoy all you have while pursuing all you want."


ü  Sve sto ti treba da bi imao bolju buducnost I uspesan je vec napisano. I pogodi sta treba da uradis? Samo da odes do biblioteke.

"Everything you need for better future and success has already been written. And guess what? All you have to do is go to the library."


ü  Sve sto ti je potrebno da postanes bogat, mocan I sofisticiran je u tvom dometu. Glavni razlog zasto vecina retko iskoristi sve to sto ima je jednostavno nehat/nemarnost.

Everything we would ever need to become rich and powerful and sophisticated is within our reach. The major reason that so few take advantage of all that we have is simply, neglect.


ü  Neuspeh nije jedan dogadjaj. Neuspeh se ne desi preko noci. Neuspeh je ponavljanje nekoliko pogresnih zakljucaka, svakog dana.

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. You don't fail overnight. Instead, failure is a few errors in judgement, repeated every day.


ü  Skoncentrisi se na resenej, ne na problem.

"Focus on the solution, not on the problem."


ü  Za svaki disciplinovan napor, dolaze mnogobrojne nagrade.

For every disciplined effort there is a multiple reward.


ü  Formalno obrazovanje ce ti doneti dovoljno za zivot, samo-brazovanje ce ti doneti bogatstvo.

Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.


ü  Daj svemu sto radis I svakom sa kim si poklon svoje paznje.

Give whatever you are doing and whoever you are with the gift of your attention.


ü  Davanje je bolje nego primanej, jer davanje zapocinej proces dobijanja.

Giving is better than receiving because giving starts the receiving process.


ü  Sreca nije nesto sto odlazes za buducnost, to je nesto sto kreiras za sadasnjicu.

Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.


ü  Fascinira me da vecina ljudi bolje planira svoja putovanja nego svoje zivote. To je valjda zato sto je lakse bezati nego promeniti se.

I find it fascinating that most people plan their vacations with better care than they plan their lives. Perhaps that is because escape is easier than change.


ü  Ideje mogu da promene zivot. Nekad je dovoljno da se otvoris za samo jos jednu ideju.

Ideas can be life-changing. Sometimes all you need to open the door is just one more good idea.


ü  Ako neko ide pogresnim putem, njemu ne treba motivacija da se ubrza. Ono sto je nejmu potrebno je obrazovanje da krene u pravom pravcu.

If someone is going down the wrong road, he doesn't need motivation to speed him up. What he needs is education to turn him around.


ü  Ako ne rizikujes I uradis nesto neobicno, moraces da se zadovoljis s obicnim.

If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.


ü  Ako sam ne isplaniras svoj zivot, sanse su d aces da upadnes u neciji tudji plan.I pogodi sta su oni za tebe isplanirali? Ne mnogo.

If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.


ü  Ako ti se ne svidjaju stvari onakve kakve jesu, promeni ih! Nisi drvo. Imas poptunu mogucnsot da promenis sve aspekte svog zivota- sva promena pocinje sa tvojim licnim izborom.

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree. You have the ability to totally transform every area in your life—and it all begins with your very own power of choice."



ü  Ako radis na svojim ciljevima, tvoji ciljevi ce raditi na tebi. Ako radis na tvojim planovima, tvoji planovi ce raditi na tebi. Sta god mi gradimo, izgradice nas.

If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us.


ü  Nemozes napredovati ako ne pocnes da donosis odluke.

You cannot make progress without making decisions.


ü  Kako namestis jedra, a ne kako duva vetar, ce odluciti gde ces stici.

It is the set of the sails, not the direction of the wind that determines which way we will go.


ü  Napor radja ideje.

Labor gives birth to ideas.


ü  Liderstvo je izazov biti nesto vise od prosecnog.

Leadership is the challenge to be something more than average.


ü  Ucenje je pocetak bogatstva. Ucenje je pocetak zdravlja. Ucenje je pocetak duhovnosti. Trazenje I ucenje je mesto gde se cuda desavaju.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.


ü  Pusti da drugi zive malim zivotma, ali ti nemoj. Pusti da se drugi raspravljaju o malim stvarima, ali ti nemoj. Pusti da drugi placu oko malih povreda, ali ti nemoj. Pusti da drugi ostavljaju buducnost u tudjim rukama, ali ti nemoj.

Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you.


ü  Pravi merljivi napredak za razumno neophodno vreme.

Make measurable progress in reasonable time.


ü  Shvati odmor kao neophodnost, a ne cilj. Odmaraj se samo koliko da prikupis snagu.

"Make rest a necessity, not an objective. Only rest long enough to gather strength."


ü  Zrelost je sposobnost da prihvatis uspeh bez izvinjenja/srama, i da nekukas kad stvari krenu nizbrdo.

Maturity is the ability to reap without apology and not complain when things don't go well.


ü  Preskoci jelo ako moras, ali nemoj da preskocis knjigu.

Miss a meal if you have to, but don't miss a book.


ü  Novac se obicno privlaci, njenu se ne tezi.

Money is usually attracted, not pursued.


ü  Od svih stvari koje uticu na tvoju buducnost, mislim da licni rast ima najvise uticaja. Mozemo da pricamo o rastu prodaje, rastu profita, rastu dobitka, ali svi zavisi od licnog rasta.

Of all the things that can have an effect on your future, I believe personal growth is the greatest. We can talk about sales growth, profit growth, asset growth, but all of this probably will not happen without personal growth.


ü  Cesto, izvanredne mogucnosti su sakrivene u beznacajnim desavanjima. Ako ne obratimo paznju na ta desavanja, lako mozemo d propustimo mocucnosti. 

"Often, the most extraordinary opportunities are hidden among the seemingly insignificant events of life. If we do not pay attention to these events, we can easily miss the opportunities."


ü  Glavni razlog zasto mnogi nisu uspesni, je zato sto pokusavaju da im prodje dan. Mnogo je veci izazov uzeti sve sto taj dan daje. 

"One of the major reasons why people are not doing well is because they keep trying to get through the day. A more worthy challenge is to try to get from the day."


ü  Deo tvog nasledja u ovom drustvu je mogucnost da postanes finansijski nezavistan.

Part of your heritage in this society is the opportunity to become financially independent.


ü  Za zaliti je coveka koji nasledi/zaradi million dolara a nije milioner. Evo sta je za zaljenje. To sto je zarada porasla, a on nije.

"Pity the man who inherits a million dollars and isn't a millionaire. Here's what would be pitiful, if your income grew and you didn't."


ü  Jednostavnim, konstantnim investiranjem u samo-obrazovanje I banku znanja profitiramo tokom celog zivota. 

Simply making consistent investments in our self-education and knowledge banks pays major dividends throughout our lives.


ü  Neki ljudi zasade u prolece, I vec ih nema na leto. Ako si vec tu za sezonu, istraj da vidis svoje plodove. Ne moras da ostanes tu zauvek, ali ostani barem onoliko koliko je dovoljno da zavrsis sta si zapoceo.

Some people plant in the spring and leave in the summer. If you're signed up for a season, see it through. You don't have to stay forever, but at least stay until you see it through.


ü  Uspeh je raditi obicne stvari, izuzetno dobro.

Success is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.


ü  Ushe nije ni magican nimisteriozan. Uspeh je prirodna posledica konstantnog primenjivanja osnovnih zakona.

Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.


ü  Uspeh se ne ganja, uspeh se privlaci personom kojom postajes.

Success is not to be pursued; it is to be attracted by the person you become.


ü  Uspeh nije nista drugo nego nekoliko disciplina, primenjene svakodnevno.

Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day.


ü  Uspeh je neprekidan napredak prema licnim ciljevima.

Success is steady progress toward one's personal goals.


ü  Iskoristi svaku priliku da vezbas vestine komunikacije tako da kad se ukase vazna prilika, imas pravi stil, jasnocu I osecanja koja ce uticati na ljude.

Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.


ü  Brini se o svom telu. To je jedino mesto gde imas da zivis.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.


ü  Knjiga koju ne procitas ti nece pomoci

The book you don't read won't help.


ü  Teskoce na koje naidjes ce se resiti dok napredujes. Istraj I stvari ce se rasresiti.

The difficulties you meet will resolve themselves as you advance. Proceed, and light will dawn, and shine with increasing clearness on your path.


ü  Nekolicini koja radi, zavidi vecina koja samo gleda.

The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.


ü  Glevni razlog za postavljanje ciljeva je ono u sto ce te njihova realizacija napraviti. Ono sto ce napraviti od tebe taj process je uvek veci od vrednosti koju ces napraviti ostvarenjem ciljeva.

The major reason for setting a goal is for what it makes of you to accomplish it. What it makes of you will always be the far greater value than what you get.


ü  Najbitnija vrednost u zivotu nije ono sto ces steci, vec ono sto ces postati.

The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become.


ü  Sto vise znas to manje imas da kazes.

The more you know the less you need to say.


ü  Najvaznije pitanje na poslu nije “Sta dobijam?” vec “Sta postajem?”

"The most important question to ask on the job is not, What am I getting?
The most important question is, What am I becoming?


ü  Razlog zasto je fikcija interesantnija nego bilo koji drugi zanr literature, za one koji zaista zele da prostudiraju ljude, jeste da fikcija dozvoljava piscu da kaze istinu a da se oramoti.

The reason that fiction is more interesting than any other form of literature, to those who really like to study people, is that in fiction the author can really tell the truth without humiliating himself.


ü  Zidove koje izgradimo oko sebe ne cuvaju nas samo od tuge, vec I od srece.

The walls we build around us to keep sadness out also keeps out the joy.


ü  Najgora star koju neko moze da uradi je da bude svestan sta zeli a da ne proba I da godinama u tisini misli da li je nesto moglo da se ostvari- a da to nikad ne zasna.

The worst thing one can do is not to try, to be aware of what one wants and not give in to it, to spend years in silent hurt wondering if something could have materialized - never knowing.


ü  Postoje samo 3 boje, 10 cifara, I 7 nota; ono sta uradimo sa njima je vazno.

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, and 7 notes; its what we do with them that's important.


ü  Ima stvari za koje ne moras da razumes kako funkcionisu. Glavno je da funkcionisu. Dok neki studiraju korenje, drugi ljuste plodove. Zavisi sta zelis, koren ili plod.

There are some things you don't have to know how it works. The main thing is that it works. While some people are studying the roots, others are piling the fruit. It just depends which end of this you want to get in on."


ü  Ima stvari za koje sam bio absolutno siguran pre izvesnog vremena, a u koje danas ne verujem. Ta misao mi pomaze da sagledam koliko bi glupavo bilo da ocekujem da se svi samnom slazu.

Things that I felt absolutely sure of but a few years ago, I do not believe now. This thought makes me see more clearly how foolish it would be to expect all men to agree with me.


ü  Vreme je vrednije od novca.Novac mozes da nabavis, ali vreme ne.

Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.


ü  Da dobijes vise nego sto imas, postani vise nego sto si sada.

"To have more than you've got, become more than you are."


ü  Da resis bilo koji problem, pitaj se sledeca tri pitanja: Prvo, sta ja mogu da uradim? Drugo, sta mogu da procitam? I trece, koga mogu da pitam?

To solve any problem, here are three questions to ask yourself: First, what could I do? Second, what could I read? And third, who could I ask?


ü  Izazov liderstva je biti jak, ali ne nepristojan;

Biti fin, ali ne slab;

Biti drzak, ali ne siledzija;

Biti promisljen, ali ne lenj;

Biti ponizan, ali ne stidljiv;

Biti ponosan, ali ne arogantan;

Imati humor, ali ne biti blesav.


"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude;

be kind, but not weak;

be bold, but not bully;

be thoughtful, but not lazy;

be humble, but not timid;

be proud, but not arrogant;

have humor, but without folly."


ü  Svima su nam potrebni dugorocni ciljevi da bi prevazisli kratkorocne prepreke.

"We all need lots of powerful long range goals to help us past the short term obstacles."


ü  Sve mi moramo da propatimo jednu od dve stari: teskocu discipline ili deskocu kajanja I razocarenja.

We must all suffer one of two things: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret or disappointment.


ü  Moramo secati I razmisljati o onome sto se desava oko nas. Moramo biti oprezni, budni. Dozvolimo zivotu I svim njegovim prefinjenim porukama da nas dotaknu.

"We must become sensitive enough to observe and ponder what is happening around us. Be alert. Be awake. Let life and all of its subtle messages touch us."


ü  Kad znas sta zelis, I dovoljn oga zelis, nacices nacina da do njega I dodjes.

When you know what you want, and want it bad enough, you will find a way to get it.


ü  Ko god pruza usluge mnogima omogucava sebi da postane velik- dobije veliko bogatstvo, velike usluge, velika zadovoljstva, doboru reputaciju I radost.

Whoever renders service to many puts himself in line for greatness - great wealth, great return, great satisfaction, great reputation, and great joy.


ü  Bez osecaja hitnosti, zelja gubi svoju vrednost.

Without a sense of urgency, desire loses its value.



ü  Reci predstavljaju hranu za mozak I svetlost koja pomaze da razumemo I postanemo svesni.

Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness.


ü  Radi vrednije na sebi na svom poslu.

Work harder on yourself than you do on your job.


ü  Nemozes promeniti svoju destinaciju preko noci, ali svakako mozes pormeniti svoj pravac prekonoci.

You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.


ü  Nisi palcen za sat. Placen si za vrednost koju donosis za jedan sat. Placeni smoza uvecanje vrednosti na marketu.

You don't get paid for the hour. You get paid for the value you bring to the hour. We get paid for bringing value to the market place.


ü  Moras imati licnu odgovornost. Nemozes da promenis okolnosti, sezone, vetar, ali mozes sebe. Ali nad svojim izborima imas kontrolu.

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.


ü  Tvoja filozofija odlucije da l ices se opredeliti za discipline ili za greske.

Your philosophy determines whether you will go for the disciplines or continue the errors.



Miroljubivi Ratnik Dan Milman

Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman

ü  Znanje I mudrost nisu isto. Znati nije isto sto I raditi.

Knowledge and wisdom are not the same. Knowing is not same as doing.


ü  Zapitaj se da li si sretan/na? Ako nisi, onda imas jos dosta da radis na sebi.

Ask yourself are you happy? If not, then you still have work to do.


ü  Mozes ziveti ceo zivot a da se nikad ne probudis. Probudi se, pocni da koristis svoj um I svoje telo na nacin na koji mnogi ljudi nemaju  hrabrosti da koriste.

One can live a whole life without ever being awake. Use your mind and body like most people do not have the courage to use.


ü  Sluzba drugima- nema bitnijeg poziva.

Service to others-there is no higher purpose.


ü  Uspori malo, mozda nesto uspes I osetis, vidis, namirises.

Slow down-you might feel, taste, see, smell something.


ü  Ti treniras sport, ja treniram sve u zivotu.

You practice gymnastics, I practice everything.


ü  Ne trazi pravila, vec nacin da uzivas u zivotu.

Find no rules, but ways of enjoying life.


ü  Svi ti govore kako da mislis. Zar ne zele da ti sam/a spoznas? Svi zele da verujes u njihove istine. Prestani da sakupljas informacije od drugih I pocni da skupljas informacije iz nutra, iz sebe. Cesto se desi, da se ljudi plase sta bi mogli naci u sebi- kao na primer prazninu.

Everyone tells you what to think. They do not want you to find it for yourself. They want you to believe in their truth. Stop gathering information from the outside, start gathering information from the inside. Often, people are afraid what they might find- emptiness.


ü  Ljudi nisu njihove misli. Oni misled a jesu, ali zapravo nisu. I takvo razmisljanje im donosi tugu. Um je samo refleksni organ I reaguje na sve. Ispuni ti mozak sa million slucajnih misli svakodnevno, I nijedna od tih misli ne predstavlja tebe vise nego pega na tvom nosu.

People are not their thoughts. They think they are, but they are not. It brings them all kids of sadness. Mind is just a reflex organ. It reacts to everything. It fills your mind with millions of random thoughts a day, and none of those thoughts reveal more about you then a freckle on your nose.


ü  Jesi li ikada primetio/la kako poluga moze da bude vrlo korisna? Zasto I ti nebi zavio/la mudrost da primenis pravu polugu, na pravom mestu I u pravo vreme, I tako lakes dodjes do svog cilja.

Notice how a right leverage can be very effective. Develop the wisdom to apply the right leverage, at the right place, at the right time.


ü  Izbaci djubre! iz svog mozga-izbaci sve sto ti netreba, sve sto te udaljava od jedine za tebe bitne stvari ovog momenta, sad odmah.

Pick up the trash-throw out anything you don’t need- everything that is keeping you away from the only thing that matters this moment, right here, right now.


ü  Obrati paznju- posveti 100% svoje paznje na ovaj trenutak. Jer ovaj trenutak je sve sto imas. A kad mozak napunis mislima, on nemoze da se s koncentrise na ono sto se desava pa propustas sve ono sto se desava tog momenta. A znaj da nema momenta kad se nesto ne desava, nema dosadnih obicnih momenata.

Pay Attention-devote 100% of your attention to the present moment. When the mind starts to fill up, you start missing on everything that is going on. There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.


ü  Jasan I bez greske. Koliko dugo mozes da ostanes takav/va?

Clear and flawless. How long can you stay that way?


ü  Nekad moras da poludis, da bi postao normalan.

Sometimes you got to lose your mind, before you come to your senses.


ü  Nauci da meditiras dok radis bilo sta. Oslobodi se svih vezanosti, znanja, ponosa.

Learn to meditate at whatever you are doing. Let go of all attachments, pride, knowing.


ü  Sve sto imas je ovo sada.

All you have is right now.


ü  Nedaj da te emocije kontrolisu I izbace iz ravnoteze. Emocije su normalne,, one dodju I odu.

Don’t let your emotions control you. Emotions are natural, they come and go.


ü  Prvo saznanje ratnika je neznanje(priznanje da nesto nezna).

1st realization of the warrior is “not knowing”.


ü  Sve ima neki razlog. Na tebi je da ga pronadjes.

Everything has purpose. It is up to you to find it.


ü  Ljutnja, mrznja, nasilje- imaju koren u strahu. Ratnice, kad osetis strah, iskoristi svoj mac I posec sve sto te plasi- proslost I buducnost.

Anger, hate, violence-are all rooted in fear. When you feel fear warrior, use your sword and cut everything that scares you-past, future.


ü  Ljude koje je najteze voleti, su obicno oni kojima ljubav najvise treba.

People that are the hardest to love are usually the one that need it the most.


ü  Je si li ti bolji od onih koji ne znaju bolje? Ne postoji bolje. Nikada neces biti bolji od drugih, a ni gori. Navike su kljuc. Treba samo biti svestan svojih izbora, I odgovoran za svoje postupke.

Are you better than those that do not know better? There is no better. You’ll never be better than others, not less. Habits are problems. You got to be conscious of your choices, and responsible for your actions.


ü  Da li si se ikada zapitao/la da nisi mozda ti sam (tj tvoja intuicija) svoj mentor/ucitelj.

Pooka-the master-my own intuition speaking to me.


ü  Kad omalovazavas ono sto mozes, zivot ti postane plitak.

When you take for granted what you can, you get sloppy with your life. 


ü  Ratnik ne odustaje od onog sto voli. On nadje ljubav u onom sto radi.

Warrior does not give up what he loves. He finds the love in what he does.


ü  Ratnik nije pobeda, savrsenstvo, ranjivost.  On je potpuna ranjivost.

Warrior is not about the victory, perfection, vulnerability. He is about absolute vulnerability.


ü  Zivot je izbor. Mozes da izaberes da budes zrtva, ili bilo sta drugo.

Life is a choice. You can choose to be a victim, or anything else.


ü  Sta ako nebudem mogao/la? To je buducnost. Izbaci to iz svoje glave.

What if I can’t? That is future. Throw it out.


ü  Ratnici dejstvuju, budale reaguju.

Warrior acts, fool reacts.


ü  Nema zapocinajnja I prestajanja, ima samo rad.

There is no stopping or starting, there is only doing.


ü  Ceo svet deli tvoj bol. Ako ne dobijes ono sto zelis, patis. A I kad dobijes to sto zelis, nemozes dag a sacuvas od promene.

Whole humanity shares your pain. If you don’t get what you want, you suffer. Even when you get what you want, you want to be able to hold on to it. 



ü  Zapamti tri stvari o zivotu:

Paradox. Zivot je misterija. Ne gubi vreme dag a razumes.

Humor. Ne gubi smisao za humor, narocito o sebi. Nema nista jace od humora.

Promena. Nista ne ostaje isto, sve se menja.



Paradox- Life is mystery. Don’t waste time to figure it out.

 Humor-Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It’s a strength above all measure.

 Change- Nothing stays the same.


ü  Putovanje, a ne destinacija, nam donosi srecu.

The journey is what brings us happiness, not the destination.



Ako Bog moze, onda mogu I ja. Ako ni Bog ne moze, onda je neopravdano ocekivati da I ja mogu.

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