Sta ce mi racun u banci?
Jos uvek cuvas pare u kasici-prasici. To je cool. Obrati paznju samo da ti braca, sestre, roditelji I ko zna vec ko, ne pozajmljuju a da ne vracaju. Ako odlucis da ih sakrijes u nesto sto ne lici na prasicu ili je kamuflaziras, osiguraj da ti je neko greskom nebaci u djubre. Nenamerno, ili da kaze da kao nije znao a ti vidis da se ponovio stvarima za koje ti stedis. Kapiras? Ok.
E sad, I ako to sa prasicom sve ide po planu, mozda ipak nije lose da otvoris racun. Evo par brilijantnih razloga o kojima mozda treba da razmislis:
Ø Postani stedisa (malo o svom, a malo I o tudjem trosku).
Nagovori mamu/tatu/babu/dedu isl da ti daju mesecnu ustedjevinu (ne dzeparac, vec pare za stednju. Hoces da stedis, lepo od tebe, nema sta, ali I nemas sta, pa da ti pomognu da postanes stedisa).
Ø Sakri blago na sigurno mesto.
E sad kad znaju da imas ustedjevinu, mogu od tebe I da pozajmljuju, jel tako? E, pa tu sam te cekala. Ako su parice zgodno locirane u tvojoj sobi, lakse ih je pozajmiti nego kad treba da neko ode do banke. Tako mozes da ih sacuvas od onih sto obecavaju pa nikad ne vracaju, znas vec na koga mislim. Nek ice I da pozajme uz provizuji, to je lak nacin da umnozis pare, ali razmisli I da li si moralno ok sa tim.
Ø Primaj platu na racun I imaj dozvoljeni minus ( iskljucivo za nedaj boze)
To radi vecina ljudi, a sto radi vecina neznaci I da je ispravno. Mi smo tu da ti damo ideju, ali nemoj da posle kazes kako smo te naveli na dugove. Dobro promisli kad I koliko ides u minus, kad ti stizu pare s kojim bi mogao dag a pokrijes I sl.
Jos koji dobar razlog da stavis pare u banku? Ako znas, pisi.
Zasto nedrzati pare u banci (osem sto im punopara ostavljas).
Recimo da si se ipak odlucio da stavis pare u banku, sta dalje?
Kako da izaberem banku?
Ima ih ko blata, na svakom cosku!Iako imas ludacki mnogo opcija (velike, male, lokalne, strane), I potpuno ti nije jasno koja je najbolja, nezaboravi da sve banke imaju iste usluge. Ono na sta treba da obratis poznju je:
Ø Lokacija- da ti je blizu skole, posla. Zasto? Zato sto ako uzimas lovu sa bankomata svoje banke neplacas ekstra.
Ø Cena usluga- koliko ce te kostati mesecno odrzavanje racuna, tranzakcije isl. Plati sto manje naravno usluga je ista kao I u drugim bankama, neke su jednostavno bezobrazne.
Ø Web banking- ako imaju, iskoristi ovu opciju I sacuvaj si vreme. Bolje sedi u kaficu nego u redu.(Pa dobro mozda to I nije tacno, u kaficu ces da potrosis pare).
Sta mi treba da otvorim racun?
Jednostavno je. Odi u banku, trazi da ti neko uzme pare (i stavi na tvoj nov racun). Znaci treba da imas pare sa sobom, da stavis neki dinar. Naravno ponesi I dokument, licnu kartu. Ako su maloletan/a onda ce ti prebati roditeljska saglasnost.
Kaju vrstu racuna da otvorim?
Zavisiti zasta ce ti taj racun sluziti. Ako hoces samo da stedis onda otvori savings account, ako ces ga koristiti cesto onda ce ti trebati cekovni.
Ukoliko ti se nesvidi banka u kojoj trenutno imas racun, uzmi pare I prebaci ih u neku drugu, ali nebudi preveliki optimista, da mislis da ce u drugoj bankci sve biti idealno. Raspitaj se koje imaju pristojnu uslugu!
Koja vam se banka cini najboljom? Zasto?
Do I need a bank account?
At some point, keeping your money in a piggy bank is no longer going to work! You’re going to want to look for some new options. This means you probably need to open an account at a bank. You may have several questions about having a banking account, so let’s try to answer some of them.
How do I choose a bank?
Depending on where you live, there are probably a crazy number of options when it comes to selecting a bank. Your choices range from major, national banks (i.e. Bank of America or Wells Fargo) to locally owned banks to credit unions. You have a lot of choices and at times, it may seem overwhelming. For the most part, banks all do the same thing. They keep your money safe until you need it. But here are some additional items to consider when choosing a bank:
Think about what banks are close to your home, your job, and the other places you live life. Consider not only proximity to where you live but also consider the number of locations a bank may have in your area. If you decide to go with a nationally-known bank, chances are there are several locations, not just in your area, but around the country as well. This is nice from a convenience standpoint, but the trade off is that the bigger the bank, the less personal service you may receive. At the same time, you may get better customer service with a local bank, but if they only have one location in your city, it may not be as convenient for you.
Make sure you are clear about what, if any, fees a bank may charge for having an account with them. You can find numerous banks today that offer free accounts, so I would recommend talking with one of them. Also, some banks say they have “free” accounts, but may have certain conditions. For example, they may be free as long as you maintain a certain balance in your account or if you make a certain number of purchases using your debit card each month.
Account Features
In addition to location and fees, there are some additional things you may consider when picking a bank. For example, do you need any type of online bill pay service? I get this service free from my bank, and it is one of the reasons I have my accounts with them. Another regular feature I use is online banking. I can log into the bank’s website and view transactions made within my account. Some banks offer free checks when you open a new account, so that may be something to consider.
How do I open a banking account?
Once you figure out where you would like to bank at, opening an account is a pretty simple process. You will need to go to one of the local bank branches and ask for someone that can help you open an account. If you are under 18, most banks will probably require your parent’s signature, so keep that in mind as well. Don’t forget to bring some money with you so you can make your initial deposit into the account. You will sign a few papers, they will give you some temporary checks (they will send your other checks in the mail), and you should be good to go.
What type of account do I need to open?
The type of account you want to open will depend on what you will use it for. If you are setting aside money for something specific such as a car or college expenses, it is better to open a savings account. But if you plan on using the money in that account on a regular basis, then you will probably want to open a checking account. It may not be a bad idea to have both a checking and a savings account.
In today’s culture, it is very difficult to live without a banking account of some kind. And if you ever don’t like the bank you’re using, you can always withdraw all the money in your account and move it to a different bank. Just make sure you are paying attention to your money and are keeping it in something other than a piggy bank!
By Grant Baldwin