Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje / The Center for Creative Education
  O nama

Sta je Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje(CKO)?

CKO je mesto za ucenje i oducavanje. Mesto gde je ucitelj djak i djak ucitelj. Mesto gde su mladi ohrabreni da prave “greske”, da budu radoznali, da riskiraju, da prave inovacije, improvizuju i konstantno eksperimentisu. Mesto gde su svi tretirani ravnopravno, gde nema eksperata-samo resurs osoba-i gde nema hijerarhije.

Smatramo da razvojnim programima nisu potrebni profesionalci jer para-profesionalci vec postoje u lokalu, a da njihova mudros, znanje i vestine obicno nisu prepoznate, priznate, mobilisane niti iskoriscene, samo zato sto nemaju diplome.

Mi verujemo u kapacitet i kompetenciju ljudi iz lokala, narocito omladine, u njihovo znanje, kreativnost, vestine kao i u njihovu sppremnost da identifikuju i rese svoje probleme.  Trudicemo se da stvorimo okruzenje u kojem te vestine i znanje mogu biti iskorisceni za licni razvoj i razvoj zajednice. U tom cilju, pruzamo informacije, savete, neformalno obrazovanje dok mladi nesteknu spremnost da sebe i zajednicu unapredju samostalno.  

Dokle god nas rad bude od koristi mladima; dokle god problem diskriminacije, nepravde, neravnopravnosti bude aktuelan; dokle god mladi budu smatrali da je ovo mesto gde mogu biti saslusani i pomognuti s postovanjem; informisani, savetovani i asistirani da kroz svoje izazove lakse prodju; dokle god bude potrebe da osnazujemo mlade tako sto cemo ih uciti vestinama za zivot, sve dotle rad CKO ce biti relevantan.

CKO osnovana je 2008. u Beogradu kao nezavisna, neprofitna i nestranacka asocijacija mladih profesionalaca i volontera usmerena informisanju, edukaciji, podrsci kreiranju i ostvarivanju ideja i inicijativa mladih (13-29) , ekonomskom osnazivanju kao i realizovanju strategije mladih u Srbiji.

CKO je pokrenut usled dramatičnog nedostatka alternativnih, van-školskih edukativnih i medijskih centara u Beogradu, koji konceptualno povezuju različite potrebe mlade populacije i koji su otvoreni i dostupni upravo mladima. Upravo iz tog razloga je pokrenut CKO, kako bi se kroz razlicite metode transdisciplinarnosti i umrežavanja, stvorio otvoren prostor namenjen javnim diskusijama, istraživačkim projektima, nezavisnom izdavaštvu, radionicama i predavanjima. 

Nas moto je:
"Omogućimo mladima da razviju svoje potencijale i ostvare sebe"

What is the Center for Creative Education (CCE)?

The Center for Creative Education is a place of learning and unlearning. It's a place where the teacher is the learner and the learner is the teacher. It's a place where people are encouraged to make mistakes so that they can learn humility, curiosity, the courage to take risks, to innovate, to improvise and to constantly experiment. It's a place where all are treated as equals- there are no experts, only resource persons-and there is no hierarchy. 

The belief of the Center for Creative Education is that development programmes do NOT need to depend only on professionals because para-professionals already exist in the community whose widom, knowledge and skills are neither identified, mobilized nor applied just because they do not have an educational qualification.

At the Center for Creative Education, we have faith in the capacity and competence of community members, specialy youth, and that they have the knowledge, the skills, the wisdom and the faith to identify and solve their own problems. We are dedicated at creating an environment and a situations where these skills and knowledge can be applied for the individual's and community's own development. For that purpose we provide information, advising, as well as informal, non-structured, practical training until such time as the young person has acquired the confidence, the competence and the capacity to develop oneself and own community without any help from outside. 

So long as the process of our work leads to the good and welfare of all; so long as problems of discrimination, injustice, exploitation and inequalities are addressed directly or indirectly; so long as the poor, the deprived and the dispossessed feel its a place they can talk, be heard with dignity and respect, be trained and be given the tools and the skills to improve their own lives the immediate relevance of the Center for Creative Education will always be there.

"Our highest endeavor must be to develop free human beings who are able of themselves to impart purpose and direction to their lives. " -Rudolf Steiner

We are dealing
with all challenges, questions, problems, ideas and needs of youth.


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