Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje / The Center for Creative Education


Nacela naseg delovanja

Svaki ljudski zivot je svet, pun potencijala, i vredan ljubavi.

Pojedinci u drustvu su ogledalo drustva u kojem su odrasli I u kojem zive. Drustva koja pruzaju prilike za razvoj, zdrave odnose i koja su organizovana tako da sluze potrebe clanova tog drustva su drustva koja izgradjuju zdrave pojedince. Takve individie bice sposobne da prave drustva koja vrednuju medjusobno postovanje i postenu distribuciju dobara i mogucnosti.

Svakom drustvu su potrebni eticni, odgovorni, i posveceni lideri ciji glavni cilejvi jesu interesi clanova tog drustva, I koji su vesti da ogranizuju ljude da postave ciljeve, da ih realizuju i da rese zajednicki probleme. Zato je ravoj lidestva centralni deo ravoja drustva. Mladi su vise nego sposobni da vode drustvo. Ako su ohrabreni mogu da donesu veliku energiju, kreativnost I mastu u cilju resavanja problema. Zato nihov doprinos nikako nesme biti zanemaren i razlog je vise zasto lideri trebaju pozvati mlade da sa njima saradjuju.

Pravilnik rada CKO

Rad CKO-a je zasnovan na sledecim principima:

·          Stvoriti prostor za kreativni i kontruktivni licni razvoj- bez diskriminacija na bilo kojoj osnovi.

·          Ceniti vrednsot ljudi na osnovu njihove volje i spremnosti da uce- ne na osnovu diploma, postignuca.

·          Biti primer svojeg ucenja.

·          Obezbediti rodnu ravnopravnost unutar centra kao i u radu sa saradnicima.

·          Inicijativa dolazi uvek od mladih ljudi, nikako od institucija.

·          Potpuna anonimnost je zagarantovana.

·          Raditi na teskocama koje su prepoznate i definisane od strane mladih.

·          Intervenisati samo uz saglasnost i uz odobrenje mladih.

·          Osnovati svoj rad na slobodnim vrednostima,ne na neproduktivnom moralisanju.



Osnovne vrednosti


U nasem radu sa mladima, porodicama I zajednicama, CKO je vodjen sledecim vrednostima:  

·          Saradnja- sa mladima, porodicama, zajednicom, u saradnji sa privatnim I javnim sektorom, u cilju kreiranja zdravih resenja za drustvo koje ce moci da ponudi mladima ono sto im je potrebno za optimalan razvoj.

·          Zajednica- kao izvor mudrosti i snage.

·          Predanost- u prevazilazenju prepreka kako bi se doslo do uspeha, promene.      

·           Hrabrost- da se izgrade neophodni mostovi I stigne tamo gde se mora za dobrobit mladih.

·          Osnazivanje- kroz avanture, igru, istrazivanja, mi ohrabrujemo  i osnazujemo mlade da razviju zdravije zivtne stilove, zelju za dozivotnim saznavanjem, liderstvom i osecajem drustvene odgovornosti.                

·          Celost/Postenje- da nase vrednosti I nase delanje budu u skladu, dosledni.         

·          Inkluzija, Ravnorsnost i Prilike- Trudimo se da pruzimo mladima svih ekonomskih, kulturnih, socijalnih miljeja, pristup sredstvima, podrsci I mogucnostima koje ce im pomoci da uvide prepreke i dostignu svoje potencijale.

·          Postovanje i Pripadanje Pruzamo sigurno mesto gde su mladi podrzani, jer mi smo na njihovoj strain, tu da ih saslusamo, postujemo, ukljucimo i prihvatimo. Zaposleni I volenteri centra su primer iskrenosti, fer pleja, pozitivnog pogleda na svet, saradnje i postenja prema sebi I drugima.

·          Odgovornost- za sebe, nase porodice, organizaciju, zajednicu i drustvo u celini.

·          Ljubav prema sebi, prema bliznjima, ljudima u zajednici i svetu.

·          Na strani mladih- Zalazemo se da smanjimo nedostatke, stvorimo prilike i unapredimo zivote mladih, omogucimo da se njihov glas cuje i da njihove ideju dodju do izrazaja.            



                                                               Core Underlying Convictions

Every human life is sacred
, full of potential, and worthy of love.

Individuals are decisively influenced by the communities in which they are raised and in which they live.  Communities that have a rich set of opportunities, caring relationships and that are organized to meet the needs of their members create individuals that have the potential to create a good society in which mutual respect and a reasonably just distribution of resources and opportunities are the dominant realities.   

Every community needs ethical, caring, committed leaders
who have the best interests of the community members at heart and are skilled in bringing people together to set goals, implement ideas, and solve problems.  Leadership development is at the heart of community development. Young people are capable of playing a leadership role and if encouraged to do so will bring enormous energy, creativity, and imagination to the work, therefore existing leaders should bring young leaders to the table.

                                                                      The CCE Code of conduct

The Center for creative education and individuals that work with it have established the code of conduct. We believe we must:

·  Create a space for creative and constructive personal growth - not discriminating against social status, sexual orientation, religion or political thinking.

·  Judge the worth of people by their willingness and ability to learn - not by their paper qualifications.

·  Set a personal example in adhering to the code of conduct.

·  Ensure gender equality within the organisation.

·  Initiative for help always comes from the young people themselves and not from various institutions

·  Complete anonymity of the individual is assured

·  Deal with the problem as defined by the young person him/herself

·  Intervene only by agreement and if requested by young person.

·  Base our work on free values and not on unproductive moralising. 

Core Values

In our work with youth, families and communities, CCE is guided by the following Core Values.

·          Collaboration with families and volunteers in community, in partnership with the public and private sector, to create healthy community solutions and provide youth with what they need for optimal development.

·          Community as a source of strength and wisdom. 

·          Commitment to work hard and overcome internal and external obstacles to success, change, and excellence.

·          Courage to build bridges and go where we are not expected to be.

·          Empowerment  through adventure, play and discovery, we encourage and empower youth to develop healthy lifestyles, a life-long passion for learning, leadership, and a sense of social responsibility

·          Integrity to keep our actions and values consistent.

·          Inclusion, Diversity & Opportunity We strive to offer youth from all economic, cultural and social backgrounds access to the resources, supports and opportunities that will enable them to overcome barriers and achieve their positive potential in life.

·          Respect & Belonging We provide a safe, supportive place, where everyone is listened to, respected and valued in an environment of inclusion and acceptance. Our staff and volunteers model honesty, fair play, positive attitude, cooperation and respect for self and others.

·          Responsibility for ourselves, our families, organizations, communities, and society as a whole. 

·          Love for each other, humanity as a whole, and all that is sacred.

·          Speaking Out on behalf of youth and their families to reduce disadvantage, enhance their lives and enable their voices and ideas to be heard.


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