Ako si NOVINAR/KA i hoces da nas kontaktiras, pisite nam na email.
Mi kreiramo prostor u kojem smladi iznose nove, sveze perspektive na temu sopstvenih potreba, interesa i izazova, sa posebnim osvrtom na vaznost osnazivanja mladih i zalaganjem za njihovu participaciju u donosenju odluka, u ziclju kreiranja humanijeg drusva.
Bavimo se sirokom lepezom za mlade interesantim i bitnim temama. Teme kojima se bavimo su samo i iskljucimo one koje mladi predloze: kao naprimer: kreativnost, umetnost, obrazovanje, savetovanje, zabava, sport, aktivizam, zdravlje, nejednakost i socijalna izolovanost.
Nase prakticno iskustvo u radu sa mladima, daje nam jedinstveno razumevanje procesa kroz koje mladi prolaze tokom perioda samousavrsavanja ili kada prolaze kroz teskoce.
Clanci pisani o CKO i od strane CKO-a, intervjui i govori.
If you are a journalist and want to contact us please email us at ckobg@yahoo.com, or call 064 250 6363.
We strive to bring a fresh perspective to debates about youth needs, concerns, challenges and non-formal education, emphasising the importance or youth empowerment and decision making opportunities in achieving a fairer, more equal society.
We comment on a wide range of youth related issues including information, education, envoronment, entertainment, creativity, activism, health, social care and policy in Serbia and inequality and social exclusion.
Our practical experiences of working with voluntary, community and public organisations 'on the ground' gives us a unique understanding of how youth faces challenges in practice.
1. News releases, statements and media briefings
CCE comments, media briefings and releases.
2. CCE in the media
Articles written by and about CCE.
3. Speeches
Transcripts of CCE speeches from our own and external events.