Centar za Kreativno Obrazovanje / The Center for Creative Education
  Info Centar

Hoces da brzo saznas proverenu informaciju? 
Info-point pruza besplatne, proverene informacije mladima i onim akoji rade sa mladima, na razne teme kao sto su obrazovanje, karijera, zaposljavanje, rakona, zdravlja, zabave, sporta i putovanja.

Mi smo tu da pomognemo da pronadjes i interpretiras trazenu informaciju na pravi nacin. Trudimo se da saradjujemo sa ostalim za mlade relevantnim agencijama i organizacijama, i po potrebi preporucujemo ih ili dostavljamo linkove i kontakt kada je vise informacija ili strucna pomoc potrebna.
Ako zelis da:

·  Putujes i vidis svet 

·  Kvalitetno se provedes

·  Pronadjes kurseve za usavrsavanje

·  Ili prondjes posao

·  Se ukljucis u omladinski aktivizam ili volontiras

·  Saznas vise o svojim pravima

·  Pronadjes gajbu

·  Popricas sa nekim kad ti je tesko...
onda ne gubi vreme vec kreni od CKO website-a.

Ili ako se pitas...

·  Kako da resis svoje probleme?

·  Gde izaci/ sta raditi veceras? 

·  Koji seminari su u toku?

·  Kako postati volonter?

·  Kako naci stipendiju?

We can inform you about the following topics:

       -Finding a roof over your head (Homelessness)
       -Cost of renting
       -Your rights as tenat

Money metters
(lova za skolarinu, izlaske i putovanja) 

Zdravlje i rekreacija mladih

      -Mental health / Mind games
      -Body basics
      -Drugs  & Alcohol (Alternative High/Adventure)
               How much do you know about drugs/alc?kviz
      -Personal safety
      - Hospitals & Health Centers
      - Nutrition
      - Sexual Health
      - Abuse
      - Depression and suicide
      - Stress and peer pressure

Mladi, umetnost i kultura 

      -Otvoreni atelje

Zaposljavanje mladih
     - Apprenticeships
      -Summer work
      -Worker's rights
      -Traveling & working abroad
      - Interview skills
     - Izabir karijere (guidance services with/out college)
     - Job hunting
     - Employment legislation
     - Unemployment

Mladi gradjani, volenterizam, aktivizam

      -Future leadership

Participacija mladih u donosenju odluka
       - Local gov.
       - Politics
       - Democracy
       - Civil Society
        -Your role/responsability/rights
       - Social welfare system(zdravstveno, zaposljenje,deca&porodica...)
       - Minoruty groups (disabled, refugees...)
       - Homelessness

Mladi i obrazovanje
        -Homework help
        -Adult Education/Training
        -Disability and Education
        -Early school leavers
       - Exam Preps
       - Personal development

Mladi u konfliktu sa zakonom

       -Know your rights (with 15 you can...)
       -Droge, alkohol i tako to

Mladi, ekologija i odrzivi razvoj

       -Je li neko reko EKO?

Slobodno vreme i mobilnost mladih

       - Sport. leisure, enterteinment, travel, festivals, clubs
       - On a rainy day ideas (chess)
       - Alternative high/adventure (horse riding)
       - Media
       - Mobilnost (traveling/working/volonteering abroad)

Info-point provides a free, confidential information service to young people and those who work with them on a wide range of subjects including education, careers, employment matters, rights and entitlements, environment, health, leisure, sport, and travel opportunities. 

Need info now?

·  How to solve your problems?

·  Where to and what to do tonight?

·  What seminars are current and where you might take them? 

·  How to become a volunteer


Trained and friendly staff are always available to help find or interpret the information required. Staff works in close co-operation with other relevant voluntary and statutory agencies and will refer young people to them when further information or specialist help is required. 

If you want to...

  • Make the most of your spare time
  • Travel and see the world
  • Find vocational training courses
  • Find a job
  • Become involved in youth work
  • Know more about your rights and entitlements
  • Find a flat 
  • Or just have someone to talk to in a difficult situation
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